Friday, 5 June 2015

PDF⋙ Trading for Gold: Indigenous Peoples and the Market Economy

Trading for Gold: Indigenous Peoples and the Market Economy

Trading for Gold: Indigenous Peoples and the Market Economy

Trading for Gold: Indigenous Peoples and the Market Economy PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Indigenous peoples have long developed various systems to govern their society. These include a traditional economic system to ensure sustainable utilisation of resources, social responsibilty and a harmonious relationship through cooperation and bartering of goods. The modern economic system, however, has penetrated indigenous societies, impacting the traditional economic system in varying degrees. And more recently, with globalization, national societies are expected to transform their economic systems to one that conforms to the demands of a globally defined system. This report looks at the integration of indigenous communities into the market economy. It considers strategies to improve the stake of indigenous communities and explores viable alternatives to the current system.

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