Jesus, A Visual History: The Dramatic Story of the Messiah in the Holy Land by Donald L. Brake
Jesus, A Visual History: The Dramatic Story of the Messiah in the Holy Land by Donald L. Brake PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Jesus, A Visual History, offers a unique vantage point into Jesus’ story, introducing readers to the historical context of Gospel accounts. Its easy reading style, thorough research, and visual presentation will leave readers with a greater and lasting appreciation for Jesus the Messiah. Maps and charts summarize and visualize the events of Jesus’ life, along with full-color photos and 19th-century black-and-white images of the modern sites where biblical events took place. In addition, original artwork researched for accuracy illuminates Jesus’ life and work.
This engaging, visually-driven book will be valued by readers as an accessible yet accurate invitation to better understand both the Holy Land and the Savior who walked it.
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